Thursday, April 9, 2015

Founders Blushing Monk (2015)

This will probably be the first of many Founders beer reviews that I'll be cranking out in the coming months. Just in case the reader recently climbed out from their rock Founders Brewing is a Michigan company that puts out a stable of solid beers. I'm a vocal fan of them. I've tried many, but have yet to drink one of their beers that I disliked. The Blushing Monk came close.

Blushing Monk is a fruit beer. Belgian ale brewed with a bucketload of raspberries. Turns out Founders has this beer rotating on a four year schedule, which is a bit impressive. Allegedly these super limited releases are hard to find. I got lucky and picked up a bottle for $13 on a whim.

If you drink your beer instead of hoarding it, you'll open the bottle to a strong berry smell. Viewed through the pint you'll notice a ruby red color with a light pink head. The first thing I noticed is how light and strongly carbonated this beer tastes. After a second you get a decent amount of raspberry flavor. Unfortunately, like all summer berries, there's a powerful sour-tart finish. Towards the end of the glass I was weary of the finishing edge. Without the bite this monk would have been excellent. If you don't like sweet and sour beers, pass on this one.

Worth the Money? Yes - If anything it's interesting
Would Buy Again? Maybe - After four years I'll be ready to try it again
Would Recommend? Maybe
Would Drink it Regularly? No.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WTF Happened

Hell if I know. Time flies by so fast you hardly know when a year has passed by. I can sit around and tell my non-existant audience all the excuses for why I have not been writing in this blog. Or I could just be honest - writing these things is hard. I drink a ton of beer, but finding new ways to talk about the drink is both challenging and exhausting. After all of this time I do remember the fun I had cranking these out once a week. It's about damn time I get back to doing it again. Who knows, maybe my writing will improve again

Anywho. I've got a lot of stuff coming in soon. Beer has been doing some interesting things these last three years. The craft beer scene has absolutely exploded in Omaha, and I have been introduced to oodles of new brands and brews. Should be tossing up some new reviews of both the extreme beers I've got sitting in the fridge and some of the more drinkable stuff I like to enjoy multiples of.

Stay tuned folks.