Sunday, March 4, 2012

The State of the State

Good Question LOLcat.

If you haven't noticed I've been slacking on writing this blog, and I feel anyone that's reading this deserves an explanation. It all boils down to this: I'm not drinking right now. Basically speaking I'm giving myself a couple months off (with a few holiday exceptions) to dry out, get prepared for a couple races, and lean down for the summer. I know a good number of you guys are probably saying "WTF Man shut up and drink more beer and tell us about them!". But this is a good thing, and I'll tell you why.

Reason 1: I've still got a couple beers to review.
Good ol' functional alcoholics like myself drink a crapton of beer. I've got notes on 2 different beers that I'll be giving little write ups on over the next couple weeks, so my activity on here won't be completely barren.

Reason 2: I'm looking for bigger and better beers to review later.
Being as irish as the sky is blue of course I will be drinking on St. Patty's, so I'll be sure to throw out a couple reviews about the one of the many tastes I try that day. Otherwise I've been keeping my eye open for some more interesting beers, and here's a little list of what I know will come in the future:

Arrogant Bastard Ale - Has a beer critic score of 95, glowing reviews coming from everywhere, and shit the name practically writes a review for itself. How could this one go wrong?
Rogue Double Dead Guy - Dead Guy Ale with extra alcohol. This one will be written in belligerent idiot.
Unibroe Maudite - Why the fuck would I review another Unibroe? Because Reddit told me to that's why. Like any good internet child I must obey the hivemind.
Harp - My token St. Patty's day beer. Not particularly fancy, but at least I'm not dipping down into reviewing Miller Light.
Lucky Bucket Certified Evil - Looks promising, Lucky Bucket is a small brewery in Omaha and Certified Evil is their high taste high alcohol content. Yall should know how much I like my high alcohol content.

Of course this list will just keep growing over the next couple months. So if the kindly readers don't give up on me I won't give up on writing about my favorite elixir.

Reason 3: I'll be improving the layout.
After sending this site into Reddit's /r/beers the programming heavy reader-base told me I needed to fix the layout, so that's the main thing I'll be working on over the next couple months with this site. Hopefully I can keep everything inside Blog Spot for simplicity, but who knows at this point in time?

So there you have it, I explained my soon to be absence. It sucks and all that I'm taking a break this early in this project's life, but that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Older review news you guys should know:
Chocolate Ale: Boulevard is offering a refund on batches of their Chocolate Ale this year. Basically speaking I got to try that beer for free. There's nothing sweeter than free beer.

Unibroue (In General) brews Trader Joe's Vintage Ale. So I can't be as hard on them next time. Damnit.

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